Headquarter Sambonet, Orfengo (NO)

Rice paddies and design

The Sambonet industrial complex, a worldwide brand of cutlery and tableware, is set in a countryside landscape planted with rice paddies. Regular planes with minimal differences in elevation, and rows of tall trees like a theatrical backdrop. These are the inspiring elements of the project.

Compact and linear volumes, surfaces of the elevations punctuated by horizontal geometries that vibrate under the sun’s rays.
The project reflects the company’s philosophy: design and quality.

The sloping volumes are concluded on the street front by a large window protected by perforated sheet metal lids.
On the elevations of the sheds, on the other hand, a grit finish recalls processed metals with its shiny appearance.

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Years1999 – 2012

Surfaces lotto 120.000 m2; stabilimento 19.400 m2; magazzino 13.000 m2; uffici 4.900 m2
Frigerio Design Group Progetto definitivo ed esecutivo / Direzione Artistica
Collaborators Frigerio Design Group con ing. R. Casalegno (uffici e stabilimento: E. Frigerio e R Casalegno con con F. Biassoni (capo progetto), K. Scott, M. Reale, L. Bigi, D. Reimondo, C. Castelli – magazzino: E. Frigerio e R. Casalegno con A. Capurro (capo progetto), G. Rossi
Engineering e direzione lavori IRCI srl (ing. R. Casalegno, arch. G. Bivona)
Mechanical systems ing. C. Mosca
Electrical systems ing. G. Del Bo
Project manager e linee di produzione ing. F. Coppo

Slow Architecture

  • Maintenance reduction.
  • Modularity of construction elementsi.
  • Containment of construction time.
  • Reinterpretation of context elements.

The transparent screen projects the offices outward by day, while at night it uncovers the activities it contains.

The slabs taper to provide total transparency.